Thursday, June 24, 2010

More then average

I have to say that I am excited about a group on Cafemom that I belong to. A lot of people think that I have a lot of kids (4-just incase you didn’t know *wink wink*), but some of the moms in this group have at least double the amount of kids that I do. I am loving that I am connecting with moms that will be able to give me advice on a larger family size. I am hoping to get tips, recipes, and much from them! If any of you ladies from that group are reading this, I thank you for being apart of this group and sharing your stories! I think that I only have a few friends that have 3 or more kids and it is hard to get advice from moms or only have 1-2 kids. Now that is not to say that I haven’t gotten great advice or the moms with 1-2 kids haven’t helped me out in some way….but to be able to connect with more moms like me is just a great feeling. Thanks goodness for the internet or else I may have gone insane alooooong time ago!

Monday, June 21, 2010

So excited!

I am so excited and proud of myself that I made my first two diapers last night!!!! I have some work to do on getting some of the materials to lay right and work on techinics but overall it came out great! I was just so proud of myself that I took pieces of fabric and turned them into something that my kids can wear and it does its job!

I am not artistically inclined what-so-ever so this is something big for me! I will continue to make these diapers and I am hoping to expand my abilities to more things. Slowly but surely I know that I will be able to do everything that I want…I just won’t be able to do it all at the same time. I have noticed that when I am sewing I have kind of a lead foot lol! If I move forward to look at my project, my foot tends to go down as well and makes me sew faster then I want hahahahahaha! I am working on that

Here are the two diapers that I made last night

You can, hopefully, see on the diapers where the elastic looks weird…..almost like the diapers are uneven. I promise I cut everything straight, lol, but if anyone has suggestions about making it easier to sew elastic or tips-I would love to hear em!

From 4 to 2

Well, it has been about 2 days since my two oldest left for a whole week with my mom and step dad and it's been very quiet around here! Don't get me wrong I love my boys, but I have to say it really is a nice change of pace. Though I do keep thinking that they are going to bust through the front door asking for food and telling me that are thirsty and asking if they can go to a friends house lol! Mark and I had actually said that we were bored one day while the two youngest were sleeping because we weren't breaking up fights or anything like that.

I am definitely taking advantage of the freedom that I have with just two, both the relaxing part and the part that will let me get some things done that I wouldn't be able to get done in the amount of time that I would like with 4. I think that I will take a few days 'off' and then work a few days and then not do anything Friday so I can prepare for the boys to come back Saturday.

I am so thankful and blessed to have my mom and step want to take the boys and spend time with them. We live about 4-6 hours south from most of our family so we don't get to see them as much as we would like. I would love to live closer but that is another story.....

Now I know why most people stop at 2 kids lol. Though I cannot change the amount of children that I have (nor would I want to) but this is a nice break/change for me. Those of you who are wanting more kids and already have may want to re-think it lol! I am kidding and joking but 4 is a lot of kids no matter what your situation is in life and I am just glad to be close enough to family that they can take them and spend time with them.

But I am sure the kids are enjoying the break from mom and dad too! ;)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Shipping them off

Ok, I am not shipping them off, but a pair of their grandparents asked to take my two oldest for a whole week starting Saturday. I was thrilled about it for obvious reasons, but also I think it will be good for them to spend time with their grandparents and also a nice break for the boys to get away for awhile. I am excited that I will only have 2 kids for a week and I haven’t had 2 kids since about 2 1/2 years ago!!!!

Not only will it give me a break from saying things like “Stop that-don’t hit-leave her alone”, but it will also give me sometime for me. I think that I will have more time for my sewing and blogging and give me more time to work on how I would like this house to look. I can do all these things with all 4 of them here, but with two gone, it just gives me alittle more freedom to do it. I know that I won’t feel as stressed-so I think that by the time they come back, I will feel rested and ready to have them back.

Now with all that said, I am going to miss them like crazy! The first day won’t be so bad I am sure, but as much as the get on my nerves, I will miss them running around the house, asking to eat every waking minute…..the list goes on and on. I am interested to see how they will react. They haven’t been away from us for that long. They know Nana and Grandpa’s house, but they usually don’t stay there over night. Plus some of the other grandparents will get a chance to see them as well. Which is always a plus.

Have your kids ever spent some time away from you like this? How did they do? Have they done it since? I love hearing about other peoples stories and hope that you will share yours with me!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cloth Diapers

I absolutely am loving using them! They are high maintainance and besides all the reasons why you should use them over disposable, they are just too stinkin' cute! You can just put a tshirt on your little one and go somewhere because the diapers can be made with any patterns!

I have to admit that I was alittle hesitant on using them when I was first introduced to them a few months ago. I liked the idea of saving money and my babys butt looking cute....but the upkeep with them kinda made me step back and ask myself if it was something that I really wanted to commit myself to. So I had put off getting any until my great friend, Samantha, said that she wanted to get rid of some of hers because she was moving and didn't want to take the ones that didn't fit her son. So I figured $47 for 7 diapers wasn't bad, and I was thinking about doing it anyway, I said I would buy them from her. So I was asking her and my other friend Jessica which detergent they used, how to wash them, what not to do, & so on. The first week was Ok and a few times of second guessing myself just because I was new at it. I was very on top of making sure that I was doing this the right way....definitly wasn't trying to mess the diapers up. As the days went buy, it wasn't such a big deal...was thinking to myself "Wow this isn't has bad as I thought it was going to be'. And I still feel that way. Some people have tried making comments about it, but in the end it doesn't bother me because they aren't the ones that have to do the upkeep or anything like that. But, let's be honest, whatever you choose to do with your children-somebody, somewhere will always have something to say about what you are doing.

But whether you are Yay or Nay about cloth diapers, you have to admit that they are so cute!!!


I am changing this page and re-doing it. Please bare with me as I am in the process of this. I am hoping to make this great!