Monday, June 21, 2010

So excited!

I am so excited and proud of myself that I made my first two diapers last night!!!! I have some work to do on getting some of the materials to lay right and work on techinics but overall it came out great! I was just so proud of myself that I took pieces of fabric and turned them into something that my kids can wear and it does its job!

I am not artistically inclined what-so-ever so this is something big for me! I will continue to make these diapers and I am hoping to expand my abilities to more things. Slowly but surely I know that I will be able to do everything that I want…I just won’t be able to do it all at the same time. I have noticed that when I am sewing I have kind of a lead foot lol! If I move forward to look at my project, my foot tends to go down as well and makes me sew faster then I want hahahahahaha! I am working on that

Here are the two diapers that I made last night

You can, hopefully, see on the diapers where the elastic looks weird…..almost like the diapers are uneven. I promise I cut everything straight, lol, but if anyone has suggestions about making it easier to sew elastic or tips-I would love to hear em!

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