Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Where do people find this? Can you buy it in a store? Are people born with this and others not? Do you see something and say 'Ok-time to do (fill in blank)? Do you read something that inspires you to get motivated? Why is this such a hard thing to find and others seem to have it!?

I don't know any of these answers, but I do know that this is something that I lack on a pretty regular basis. I like that I have a love/hate relationship with Motivation. Sometimes he is good to me and others he is on vacation or something. I am not sure how to get him to come around more often-but I do know that others seem to obtain him more than others. Or maybe they don't and they just do what they need to do regardless. Other time I have the motivation to do things but just not the energy. So it is lack of motivation, lack of energy, or just plain and simple laziness!? Who know but whatever you want to call it....I need it!!!!!

But I think today I will just make a small goal to do something productive around here and then continue to make small goals so I don't put too much on my plate or put too much on my plate and then beat myself up because I didn't/couldn't do it in one day.

How do you obtain motivation? Music? Reading something? Fear of embarrassment that if someone walked into your house this very second!?
Please share!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My First....

Guest blog!

Check it out!
It's my blog "Playing with your food" but I am so excited about this! This is a great opportunity for Mommieventures to get out there to more readers + it's a great opportunity for you (the readers) to be apart of her website! She is always updating her readers with giveaways, coupons, and much more!

Stop by her page, check out my guest blog, and sign up to get up her updates! Here is a link to 'like' her on Facebook!!/pages/Crazy-Coupon-Mommy/115910125103639?ref=ts

Monday, July 26, 2010

Playing with Food!

I am serious! It's fun....sticky, but fun!

I was watching a friend's daughter while she took her son to the Dr. last week. And I was thinking of something crafty to do yet didn't cost a lot of money. Then something that I learned about in high school came rushing back to me! What is it you ask? Well I am going to tell you!

Painting with sweet condensed milk. Again, I am still serious! Just add any color of food coloring that you like and tada! Instant paint! It is sticky but so worth it! Plus we all know how kids like to eat things that they shouldn't..well here is a way to have fun and not worry about them not eating it!

So go on-make some of your own! There are no measurements to this! Add however much you would like!

Here are some pictures of the artists and their masterpieces!

*We used fingers here but you can use whatever you want! Once you are finished cleaning up is VERY easy!*

Breathing Room

Wow! First off let me say that I am sorry that it has been a few days. I feel like everything is moving so quickly now!

Let me update you! My husband and I are looking to move about an hour North of where we are now within the next 30-60 days because we are just in a neighborhood that is becoming more and more unsafe! I have companies getting in touch with me wanting to do giveaways and product reviews (YAY!). Trying to figure out what I can pack now and what to pack later. School will be starting in about a month. Family coming into town this weekend! Sometimes I feel like my head is spinning and I cannot get a hold on things. I know that things will calm down and I know in the end, what we are doing will benefit our family. Plus if we get one of the homes that we are hoping to get-there is an opportunity for my husband to get a much better job! So that is exciting!

So if I am not posting as much-please bare with me as I am trying to juggle everything all at once!

Thanks! :) Happy Monday!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Giveaway from Mommy Wants Freebies

Check out this great giveaway from Mommy Wants Freebies!

She is giving away a product called Spaghetti Scrub. I have never heard of it until I read her giveaway blog on it! This product looks so awesome! If I don't win-I may have to just buy one!

Check out Mommy Wants Freebies blog

Good luck and have fun!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Love Story

Love...what can you really say to describe this feeling!?

Sometimes words aren't enough.
Sometimes it's an act of love.
Acts of love can mean so much more then words could ever express.

What act of love would you do for your child(ren)? Give them anything that wanted? Give them all the name brands? Give them the coolest stuff? Give them a better life?
Wait-what!? A better life? Well of course, everyone wants to give their child(ren) the best life that they can!

What if you and your husband wanted a baby and couldn't have one for one reason or another? What if there was an opportunity for you to have a child, not biological, but none-the-less yours? Wouldn't you want to help someone out to be able to have the opportunity to have a child and know the joy that you have with your child(ren)?

You can! I have come across this couple who is in the process of adopting their daughter from Ethiopia. They have started their journey 3 months ago and have a blog where you can go and get updates through this journey.

Of course adoption (no matter where you are adopting from) costs money and there are several ways that you can help this couple reach their goal of about $24,000. You can donate money, buy t-shirts, visit her Esty store, or just spread the word! Every little bit helps this couple have their dream of having a child. I am also going to help them on this journey, not only by helping spreading their story, but by buying a t-shirt as soon as I can! I think that everyone should experience the joy of having a child.

Please visit to learn more about this couple and their story and/or to help them out!

Sleep Walking?

Last night my husband was standing at the bottom of the stairs and I was sitting on the couch with my daughter sleeping in my lap (she refuses to sleep in her bed and I fight with her every night). Well anyway, so she was laying there and the way she was laying on me made it so her knees where on her chest-well she went to move and it looked like she was just going to straighten them out but stay sleeping. That happened but then she did something that we haven't seen before....she got up, walked right past her Papa like she didn't even know he was there, went up the stairs, went in our room, turned around and gave my husband a blank stare. He waved me over to see her but by the time I got over there she had snapped out of it. Him and I were talking about it and were wondering if she was sleep walking. It was weird to see her like that. She didn't hurt herself or anything but now that I have seen her do that, I would like to get a fence for the top of the stairs. If this is what she is doing when she comes into our room on a nightly bases then I would like something that would catch her if she were to loose her balance or something. I found it to be a little scary watching her do that because 1) I have never seen someone sleep walk before and 2) What else has she done that we didn't know about while she was sleeping? This isn't something that even crossed my mind that I would have to experience. I don't know if what we saw last night was a one time thing or something that has happened several times. I do not even know if she was sleep walking but that is the first thing that came to our mind when we started talking about what we saw.

As anyone experienced sleep walking with anyone but mostly with their child? I've heard that you aren't supposed to wake them while they are in this state. Was there anything that you had to do to make sure the person didn't hurt themselves or others? I would love to hear any and all stories that you have on this topic. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Potty Training Boot Camp

I have yet another potty training journey (#3)! She is 2 1/2 years old and is showing interest and comes to me when she needs a diaper I think it's time!

We started Sunday night & from then until now she has had only 2 accidents! I must say she is catching on more quickly then my boys did! She is 'listening' to her body and comes and tells me when she needs to go potty! This makes me so excited! I am so proud of her!

I am also excited because I will only have 1 in diapers and I have had that in about 6 1/2 years! I have had 2 in diapers at one time. And now since I made the switch to cloth diapers, just means that the diapers will last longer and I won't have to do has much diaper laundry (always a plus).

So we have set up in the downstairs bathroom a stool & her comfy princess seat. She loves it! I think she likes flushing just as much as she does from getting praise from us for going potty! She is too cute about it!

Don't worry-there is nothing in it!

Just so proud of my princess & hope that she continues to do this and in princess underwear in no time! Will keep you posted!

Is there any potty training stories that you would like to share?

Monday, July 19, 2010

You Time

I don't mean relaxing or going off to have a coffee with a friend or anything like that. I mean taking care of yourself (clean clothes, teeth brushed, make-up, shower, hair done). I know that the majority of us are moms and are busy with home, kids, husband, activites-our days are filled enough. And usually the last thing we think about is us!

I had posted on Facebook last night that I really needed to take better care of myself. There are things that I honestly forget to do or can't even remember then last time I did it was. It's horrible, I know, but the reality of it is, is that my days are filled to the brim and the last thing on my mind is me. As a new mom (about 6 1/2 years ago) I would go days without a shower because I was tired, forget to brush my teeth, walk out the door with the same clothes I had on two days ago. My mind was so gone that I was forgetting the little things like that. Even to this day I have to put notes up that say "Shower" "Brush teeth" or I would forget.

Before having any kids, no matter what, I never walked out of the house without brushing my teeth. I couldn't stand when I had dirty teeth. Now I am lucky if I remember to brush my hair before leaving the house. I am on a road to pay more attention to that kind of thing and make sure that I get myself ready just as I do my children. This is not something that is easy to talk about because then people think you are nasty, lazy, or just plain and simple don't care. And for most of you, you know that just isn't true with honestly slips your mind. So-my first step is admitting this and hopefully some of you will be able to do the same thing and not be afraid to admit this. We shall stand together-unbathed, nasty breath, hair is a ball-o-mess! Let's take a stand and take better care of ourselves. The time is really there....we just have to make an effort to do it! Put notes up if you have to because I know that I will!

Maybe there is one thing you could add to your daily routine to take better care of yourself. What is that one thing that you will add? Or what is that one thing that you will not leave the house unless you have done it? (make-up, teeth, shower) I know I am not the only one that this has happened to-so I expect some comments about this ;)

Giveaway-Chobani Yogurt VIP coupons

Ok-this is my first giveaway! I am super excited about this and hope that this is one of many!

If you like greek yogurt OR haven't tried it but would like to, then this is a giveaway for you!

'Like' Chobani on Facebook!/pages/chobani-greek-yogurt/27486451851?ref=ts

Go to, go to the recipe tab, and in the 'Sides' group find the recipe with the lowest calories. Please post your answer here (do not comment on Facebook or it won't count).

This giveaway will end tomorrow at 11:59 pm eastern time.

Have fun and, again, I hope this is the first of many giveaways!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wet Dog

You know the smell that I am talking about.....right after you give your dog a bath or they come in from doing their 'business' outside and it's raining.

Well I don't know if anyone else thinks this or has even noticed it, but I think that boys smell like that too! I remember my brother smelling this way after he was outside playing or after one of his many sports games. I thought that I wouldn't have to smell that anymore but I was wrong! My boys have that smell too! I have no idea what is going on in their bodies that they smell this way, but they do! I honestly have not had the same experience with girls (but that's probably because we smell like roses *wink wink*). It seems to not even matter how long they have been outside (even just to take the trash out) or even what the temp is....everytime they come inside, they smell like wet dog!

My boys like to give hugs when they come in from being outside (depending on how long they were out) and I always give them a hug but seem to forget that they smell this way! Never fails and I end up hugging a wet dog smelling boy! I try not say anything around them because I don't want them to think that there is something wrong with them or for them to self-conscience about it, but I tell my husband about it and he doesn't seem to smell the same thing that I do.

Do guys not smell this one each other!? Can just girls smell this!? Am I the only one that thinks this?! If any of you out there have experienced this, I would love to hear that I am not the only one!

Giveaway from Journey to "Green"

Check out this giveaway! Very cool to have whether you are a pregnant, just had a baby, or your baby is 5! I have entered this giveaway and so should you! Good luck and remember there is more than one way to enter!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

No Fear

My daughter is the 3rd child in our family with 2 older brothers and 1 younger brother-the girl can hold her own & she has no fear. She can jump the highest jump and climb the highest mountain! Well ok, maybe not......yet! But I have never seen her hesitate on anything...until the other day, I was so shocked!

So it was time to go upstairs for her afternoon nap and she started jumping off the stairs (no big deal-she's done it before) but something stopped me in my tracks, SHE paused before jumping. At first I thought it was because she waiting for me to watch-no that wasn't it. Maybe it was because she wanted me to give her a count down-nope that wasn't it. What in the world is she waiting for!? Then it hit me.....she wasn't sure about this jump. So I encouraged her to jump, counted for her, held my arms out (she was only jumping from the second step) for her--after all that she still was just in her jumping pose and then finally she jumped! She was so excited and happy that she did, she decided to do it again. But this time she wasn't has hesitate has she was the first time.

I was still shocked that she didn't just jump right in and when I told my husband when he came home from work and he was just as shocked as I was. Neither of us could believe it! But I am glad that she overcame and was able to jump...I hope she continues to overcome any 'jump' she comes across and is just as proud as she was this time!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cupcake Wars...

Not really but they I thought maybe there might be one since I was letting them do their own!

My kids definitely have a sweet tooth so I will make cake, cupcakes, and cookies every now and then! Well I bought a box of cupcake mix for the 4th of July (yea I know-I am a little late) and decided to make it the other day! We have red frosting and some sprinkles and I was going to be the one that decorated them while they told me what they wanted. My oldest asked if he could decorate his and I thought for a minute and a picture of the mess went through my mind. So I told him that I would think about it while the cupcakes cooled off. So about 20 minutes later they were cooled and I went to put the frosting on and he asked me again if he could decorate his. I said yes but I was doing the frosting! So 3 of the kids put their own sprinkles on (I did my youngest’s cupcake). It was messy but I know that they were proud of what they had done, so that made the mess worth it! I am not sure if it was the brand or because it was red, but it did stain their hands a little (no picture of that). The cupcakes were so good and there was about 10 minutes of silence while they ate them!

Can't take the heat-get out of the kitchen!

Well I wish that I could! Yesterday was an all too familiar experience for me. I had started dinner and it was a crock-pot dinner and I set the temp and time. Well I had some food left over that didn't fit in the crock pot so I figured I would just put the rest in a pot on the stove and cook it along side with the crock-pot. Great idea right!? WRONG! Well this time it was wrong. I thought I was so smart because I thought to put the rest on the stove-except one small thing that slipped my mind. Let me just give you a heads up, the temp you set on the crock-pot is NOT the temp you set for the stove! Yea, so let me share with you what happened.

Like I said, I had the crock-pot going and put the left over food in a big pot on the stove. Waited for the stove to get hot, put the lid on, set the timer, and off I went to relax for a little bit. 3 of my kids were playing in the dining area and just as I smelled something, they said something like 'What's that smell?' Well I get up in a hurry and get to the kitchen as fast as I can! I get in there and it's little smoky but nothing huge and I can hear the food in the pot boiling! I get my pot holders and try to take it off the burner to see what kind of damage I had done. Well the pot stuck to the burner!!!!!! That has never happened to me before! Finally the burner just came off the stove (it's removable to begin with) and I put the pot in the sink. And it really does smell bad that I opened a door and told the kids to go out and play for a bit. Well there is so much smoke built up in the pot (had the lip on) that I cannot open the lid to see what the food looks like! So I figured that I would just leave it be and let it cool and try again later. So I am sitting down and it hits me like a brick wall. I feel so sick and so light-headed. I told the kids to come inside and go to my room and turn on the Disney Channel (I didn't want them around this smell) and I ask a friend to call my husband at work and tell him that I need him home now! (This is something I very rarely do) So he comes home and asks me what happened and if everyone is ok and I explain to him what happened and of course I start crying because after I realize what I did-I feel so stupid! He tells me that it's ok and explained that I should have just put the stove on low and let it slowly cook (duh, why didn't that cross my mind BEFORE this happened!?). I tell him that I am sorry but hey, at least it wasn't the whole dinner that I just screwed up! I had such a bad headache and felt light-headed off and on through out the day and my husband said it was probably because I inhaled too much smoke.

I have learned my lesson about that and hope that you all get a chuckle out of my cooking adventure! I would love to hear y'alls kitchen miss-haps!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chobani Greek Yogurt

I have been buying this yogurt for a couple months now and I have to say that I love it waaaay more then 'regular' yogurt! It is a thicker texture but I think that is why I love it so much! It has fruit on the bottom so you need to stir it. They have 9 flavors and I can honestly say that the only flavor that I do not like is plain, and some are non-fat and some are low fat. They also have 4 flavors for kids and I had bought the chocolate yogurt flavor for my kids a few months back and I don't think it lasted 2 days in this house! I cannot tell you enough how much I love this yogurt! I have at least one flavor a day for lunch! It is filling so it also helps me curb my hunger and I am using it to help myself lose weight (which I have!). Love love love Chobani Greek Yogurt!

Please visit for recipes, where to buy, products, and how you can help donate to a charity!

From their "Spread Your Good" page:

At Chobani, we give 10% of profits to charities Worldwide. Click on the icons below to learn more about the organizations we support, and click on the "Spread Some Good Here" buttons to let your voice be heard about which of our charities you like best.

There will be a giveaway coming from Chobani with VIP coupons! Stay tuned for this!

*This is my opinion and I bought this product myself. Not a paid review*


I have come to really dislike this question! My two older kids never really got into the 'why' stage, but my daughter (almost 2 1/2 years old) asks me 'Why?' for everything! It doesn't matter what I say her response is most likely going to be 'Why?' At first it doesn't bother me because I can answer her question but then she keeps going and it gets to the point where there is no answer or I don't know the answer! I think that I will be glad when this stage is over with! And when she gets into this is one after another.


Me- It's lunch time.


Me-Because everyone is hungry and that just what time it is.


Me-Well, it's been awhile since lunch and we have to eat lunch before nap time.


Me-So you don't go to bed hungry.


Me-Because then you might not sleep well if you are hungry.


Me-Because your tummy might make some noise telling you that you are hungry.


Me-It's just want our bodies do.


Me-I'm not sure, that's just what happens


Me-I don't know


Me-Are you hungry?


Me-Good, let's go eat.

I mean this is what it is multiple times a day! I think she would ask 'Why?' all day if there was an answer that followed and no one distracted with her something else lol! I think it gets on my nerves the most just because I don't know and she will ask me why and keep going lol! And I think that she is honestly wanting to know why and not being know those kids that just do things to get under your skin-don't act like you don't lol!

So I think that we have officially joined the 'Why?' stage and I am not sure when it will be over, but thank goodness for her being easily distracted!

Are you or have you gone through something like this with any of your kids? I would love to hear your story.....remember sharing is caring ;p

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Is a wonderful thing. It can get you help, make a friend, give help, and pretty much anything else. There are several different ways to communicate with just about anyone in the world. No matter what language you speak, whether you can see or even hear...there is a way to communicate with people.

Except people that are between the ages of 12-18 months (give or take a few months). I have a soon to be 16 month old and he is driving me crazy with all the noises he makes trying to communicate with us. I can usually handle or noise that he brings my way, but not this most recent noise. It's like a' many of you have seen 'Forrest Gump'? Most of you reading I am sure have. Ok so remember the scene where Forrest is sitting outside his Momma's house and she is having her way with the principle so Forrest can go to school? Ok and then you know when the principle walks out and says something to Forrest and Forrest mimics the noise? Ok, that's what my soon to be 16 month old sounds like! I picture that scene in my head every time he makes that noise!

Is there a sound or gesture that your little is or has done that remembers you of a movie or something along those lines? Please share-I would love to hear them!

A first

My husband and I were sitting on the couch Sunday night and heard one of our children coming down the stairs (nothing odd about that). Well our second child (boy-4 years old) turn the corner from the stairs and my mouth dropped! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I covered my mouth the cover the big hole it was making and I just busted out laughing! I couldn’t be mad at all! As I was laughing I turned to my husband and said ‘We have one of those stories now’ After I made that statement I heard our oldest (6 years old) coming down the stairs and help my breath because I wasn’t sure what I was going to see….he was safe!

What story you may ask….when a child cuts his/her own hair! I am not sure if there is a family out there that doesn’t have this story! I was upset at the fact that he was messing with something that he shouldn’t be and that he was messing in our bathroom. But when he came downstairs and saw what he did to himself, there was no way that I could be mad. Here are a few pictures of the damage!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Look at me!

I am famous now....well not quite but close enough for me! Check out this companies clothes, they are so cute and what is even better is that the clothes are all organic! Check out my button that has been added and then head over and look at their products!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cop Cat

This is a story that my husband came downstairs and told me about what he saw happen in front of his eyes this morning. (This may be TMI for some people, just a warning lol)

My husband was walking into our master bathroom this morning to take a shower before he left to take some tires to someone. And there he saw our youngest son (16 months) standing there in the middle of the bathroom with my razor in one hand (facing backwards so thankfully did not cut himself) and in the other hand an unused feminine product! So I asked what was he doing with those things, and my husbands response cracked me up and I so wish I could have seen this in person! The response was: He (our son) was standing there 'shaving' one leg and placing the product where it goes. I could have died laughing!

It's not like I don't try to leave the door closed or go to the bathroom when everyone else is off doing something....but I guess those few times we has been in the bathroom with me, he has picked up a few things....opps! I guess it's time to hire a bodyguard for the bathroom door now! What have you noticed your child doing that they may have picked up from watching you without you even thinking twice about doing it in front of them? I know that I cannot be the only one out there with a story like this, please share!

Giveaway through Journey to "Green"

Like to win!? Who am I kidding, who doesn’t?!

Check out this Momma’s blog for awesome giveaways & I will post her giveaways on my blog as well! Enjoy and happy winning!

I'm the teddybear!

I understand the wanting to have a certain blanket or stuffed animal to bed, I did it as a child. But I wasn't aware that I would become this to 2 of my children! Huh you ask? I'll inform you!

This did not happen with my first two (now 6 &4), but for reasons unknown to me my 2 youngest (2 & 1) think that I am their teddy bear at night (nap time is fine). They go to bed just fine (most nights there is no fighting about it) and they fool you into thinking that you have a few hours to breath before you head to bed....NOT! It is usually #3 that wakes up first (#4 is the one that rarely does this) and she opens the door, walks to the top of the stairs, and in her oh-so-innocent voice says "Momma?" How can you say no to that sweet, innocent, princess voice at 11pm!? Not this momma! Well I say "Come on downstairs." She peaks her face around the corner with one fist rubbing her eye and then other eye looking around to see who is watching her. Then she will stop, look up at you, smile, then run full force towards you (it's too cute to resist). So she comes and sits next to me while I am messing on the computer and watching whatever is on the TV. Well it comes the time that I am ready for bed, so I say, "OK Mommie is going to go to bed, now it's time for you." She always says OK and lets me take her to bed and I tuck her in and give her a kiss and hug, say goodnight and that I love her, close the door behind me, and settle into my bed to sleep thinking that I can finally have a good nights rest......SIKE! I hear either crying or my door being pushed open slowly. So I have her come in my room, tell her it's bedtime, and that she needs to sleep in her room & that we can spend sometime together in the morning. Well apparently that is not a good enough answer for her and she walks back to bed crying. I don't like to hear that and I don't want her siblings to wake up from I call her back into my bed and I ask her if she just wants to be with Mommie and she replies in her oh-so-innocent princess voice "MmmmHmmm". Ok, I give in and let her stay with me and we watch some TV together (either the Disney channel or TV Land). And in no time the princess is in dreamland! Wonderful-that means that Mommie can sleep....half true. I can sleep, yes, but the question is how well. Answer-not very. She is a bed hog (kinda like her mother) so she lays all over the place and flops around like a fish and usually pushes me towards the bottom of the bed by morning and I wake up with my body hurting like I just worked out for hours on end! But in the end I am ok with that because I know that she enjoyed it. Just one of the many things that we (parents) put up with so that our children feel safe, happy, and loved!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I have to say something....

I can no longer stay silent about this. It may seem like nothing to you but when you hear it all the time-it becomes something to me. This is not directed towards everyone, but there are a certain few that have done this repeatedly and, frankly, it's annoying!

Please stop asking if I am pregnant just because I post that I do not feel good! There are other reasons why I feel crummy. Please give me credit to be smart enough to test (which I do) to rule that out. If I were pregnant, that is not how I would let everyone know. So please, I ask you to not jump to the conclusion that I am pregnant when I simply state that I do not feel good. It gets really annoying when that is all people have to say to me about not feeling 'normal'.

So, just incase some people haven't gotten the message yet:
No I am not pregnant
Please stop asking me!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I know that a lot of people use Skype to keep in touch but my kids absolutely LOVE using this to talk to their grandparents! They last longer talking with them and I think that is because they can see them and holding the phone is just too much work for them lol! (Plus my youngest two try to eat it and push all kinds of buttons) I like that the service gives you 3 options on how you want to communicate with the other person, video-voice-typing, so that way even if you don't have a webcam you can still see the ones who do. As it being summer, they don't have many projects or anything like that to show them (from school) so they are telling their grandparents all about playing outside and what tv shows they are watching! It is easier for me too because I can just answer the call from someone, lock the mouse, and let the kids talk. Where as with the phone, I had to make sure that their faces weren't touching any buttons! Plus (the best part) it's free! They do give the option to be able to do more things with their service (that Mark and I are actually looking into). I am so thankful that this service is out there and that my kids are able to talk with their grandparents! Thanks Skype :)

Saturday, July 03, 2010


Friends have become harder to find and then keep as I am getting older. I do not know if this is something that is normal or something that is just happening to me. But I do know that it is very frustrating for me. I am so used to having a semi-large group of friends and through the years, I cannot keep them! It makes me sad because I do want friends (desprate sounding I know), but I love my friends and having them. The majority of them we have stopped being friends (most reasons unknown to me) or I move or they move away. It makes sad to know that I do not have that many friends in person. Yes I have friends that I have met through Mommie groups online and through Cafemom, but in person friends is what I am really looking for. I do belong to a local mom group (which I am loving) but cannot always make all the events that are held with the group (which is ok I know). So I am hoping with being apart of that will help me keep friends and form close, lasting, real friendships with these women.

Has this or is this currently happening to any of you? How are you dealing with it? Are you doing anything to change this? If so, how?

Thought I knew....

Have you ever been in a situation and thought you felt one way about it and then the situation was over and now you are feeling the opposite way!?

Well that is how I am feeling today. I do not like being torn like this because there are pros and cons (just like with anything) and both aren't that bad. One would definitely be more desirable then the other, but now that time and the choice has been made...I could have almost gone for either. I know that this choice will come around again and I know that it will/can happen eventually....but now in the back of my mind I almost (almost) wish it would have gone the other way.

I wonder if this just isn't my emotions getting the best of me because I know that the right choice was made, but still. Thing don't and do happen for a reason and I am sure that there is a reason for this, but I am not liking the back and forth that my mind is doing. I am sure once my emotions are out of the way, I will be glad that it turned out the way that it did, but until then, I guess mental ping pong is what is going on in my head!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Bargain Sites

When my mom and step dad came down this past weekend to drop the boys back home, she brought me come coupons and a page out of Better Homes and Garden that listed some sites that have good bargains and what the site is geared toward. So I thought that I would share with you ladies and hope that you can get something out of it!

Coupons & discounts:

Home furnishings:

Budget decorating:

Garden tools:

Picnic essentials:

Beauty basics:

I hope that some of you can use these sites and that they really do save you money!