Thursday, August 05, 2010


I will no longer be posting this to blogspot. I will NOT shut the page down but, for right now, it is just too much for me to do two pages.
I love my followers and my fans, so please follow me at

Thank you and I hope to see you there!

Please email me if you any questions or comments!

Battle of the Sexes

This has happened more in my house just because my youngest child (17 months-boy) is getting older and playing with all the toys. My daughter (2 1/2 years old) has all things girly......tiaras, wands, purses, hair clips, and on and on. Well my 17 month old boy loves to play with them! And I don't take them from him and say "No, that's what girls play with not boys". I let him play with whatever toy he wants to. But I know some parents out there would NOT let their son play with girl toys.

What do you think? Does it matter to you? Share your opinions!!!!

Better late then Never!!!

I know that I am soooooo late in posting this! This have been kind of crazy here at my house BUT I wanted to post this away and hopefully some of you out there will take advantage of this sale!

CCBums is have a sale this week (I know there are only two more days left in the week) to go along with Breastfeeding Week!

Here is what the sale entails: 20% of breast pads, burp cloths and 2' x 2' receiving blankets

Cami makes these items herself & even though I haven't been able to experience her work myself, you can tell she makes a great product just from looking at the comments from the ladies that purchased items from her!

Please check out CCBums
I will also be posting more of the sales that she has!!!! Promise next time I will post on a Monday ;)

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Giveaway through Mommy Wants Freebies!

Does your hair need some help? Is it lacking something?

Enter this giveaway to try some awesome hair products and give your hair the love that it needs!

Good luck and have fun!

SKOY Giveaway!!

Ok people-time for another giveaway!

The prize?! A 2 pack of SKOY clothes!

Karen at SKOY gave me a great idea on how to get all you readers involved with their company! Here is how to enter and be creative at the same time!

*'Like' SKOY on Facebook (!/pages/Skoy/34885431393?ref=ts)
*Comment on their wall a new design that you would like to see put on their cloths.
*Come back to the blog and paste a link to your comment so we can keep track of them!
*You can make 3 different entries (3 different design ideas for SKOY)

Have fun & don't forget to comment on the blog-not the link that gets posted to Facebook!
This giveaway will end Thursday 08/05/2010 at 11.59pm EST

Monday, August 02, 2010

Her machine will need a vacation!

Crystal has been working her machine to death lately with making all the orders that she has come through! And you can see why so many people are making orders with her when you look at her work! I absolutely LOVE everything that she has posted about!

She does giveaways and all of her products are very reasonably priced! She can make a custom order & embroider for you as well!

Here is a link to her fan page on sure to 'like' her so you can stay on top of all her deals and upcoming projects! You will definitely be sorry if you don't!

There will be a review coming from Daffe Designs soon-so keep an eye out for that!

More then a paycheck...

When you see her interact with her clients and taking the pictures, you can definitely tell that taking pictures is more then a's a passion for Laura!

Her and husband are stationed at Cherry Point in Havelock, NC. They have two young children who are so adorable! She has converted her garage into a studio but she also does on location shooting.

I just loved how she worked with my kids when she was doing our photo shoot. All of mine were working with her until my 2nd child started to have a meltdown! Oh no, right?!
Instead of focusing on his current behavior, she just tried to get him back into taking the pictures. She focused on him and just talked him right out of his meltdown! I have to admit that I was nervous when he started because I thought the pictures of him from now on would not be very good. But I was so glad that she was able to get him back to his cheerful self!

Just a sidenote, to those of you who are not in the Havelock area, you may be out of luck with getting her to photograph for you. If you are in the Havelock area, you definitely need to take advantage of this great photographer!

If you are interested in getting in touch with Laura please follow this link (if you are out of the Havelock area, please email her and see if she is willing to travel and what you and her can work out!)
Check out some of her sessions here!
She also has an email address for you to contact her -

*I received this photo shot free of charge and all opinions are my own*

Oh the Joy!

I love homemade things! There just seems to be a little more love and effort put into it when it's homemade.

When I had asked Joys of Thread if I could post a link from her website to my blog, I didn't know that I was going to be receiving a little something from her! I was more excited because I didn't know what it was going to be!

Joy makes anything from aprons to towels that she makes and monograms! From the pictures on her site, everything is so nicely made and would be perfect for any decor that you may have in your home or taste that you like for your child(ren) to wear!

FAST and AFFORDABLE handmade, embroidered/monogrammed items. *FREE SHIPPING *small orders done in one day, large in 2 days *custom orders available *freebie each month to one lucky follower *if you spend over $25 you get a FREE MONOGRAMMED BIB!!!!

When I received my package from her I pulled out a little green pouch with white and darker green swirls on it. My first thought was "Oh cute is this!" My second thought was "What am I going to use this for!?" Then it suddenly hit me! My phone! I always just throw my phone in my purse and go. And no matter how clean my purse is, it always gets crumbs all over it. I cannot close the velcro on it because my phone is just as long as the pocket-but it works just as well!

Not only is this a lot cuter then things that you can buy in the store but it makes a great conversation piece! When I pull it out people are going to want to know where I got it and where they can get one too! I love promoting WAHM & small business and this is the perfect way to do that!

So if you are looking for something to decorate your home or child(ren) with, please check Joy out at

Also, be sure to join the group on Facebook!

*I received this at no charge and all opinions are my own*

Pretty & works?!


I have always been interested in trying an absorbent cloth because the amount of rags I go through in one day + the laundry that I have to do for the rags + paper towels aren't all that absorbent and it's wasteful! So I was very excited when I came across SKOY!

Not only are these Earth friendly cloths pretty but they actually work!

When I opened the package that came to me and pulled out 4 SKOY clothes wrapped in brown twine, I was so excited & couldn't wait to go home and try them out!

Since I knew I was getting them soon, I had left some chocolate sauce, kool-aid, & soda on my counters and stove to see how well the clothes worked on sticky messes.

The verdict: VERY pleasantly surprised! Not only did it wipe away these sticky messes but it did it in half the time a rag & paper towel would have taken me.
Dirty-but I can still use it before I need to use another one!

Less time cleaning = more time with my family!

Here are a few facts about SKOY cloth:
*One SKOY cloth saves 15 rolls of paper towels
*100% biodegradable & natural
*Reuseable & machine washable
*Absorbs 15 times its own weight

Great facts huh!? I thought so! As well as putting them in the washing machine you also put them in the microwave for about 2 minutes and then they are germ-free!

What I am going to do is put them in the microwave as a weekly cleaning and then the washing machine monthly!

Here is a peak into the story behind SKOY:
Our story is quite simple. We had a desire to share a cloth that is better than any cloth we have ever used and was environmentally friendly. We started to do a little research and were shocked to see how people were cleaning their kitchens. We were even more shocked to find out how many tons of paper towels were being used annually (2.5 million tons) and filling up our landfills.

Check out more of their story and how to get your own here

Be sure to check them out on their Facebook page also!/pages/Skoy/34885431393?ref=ts

*I received these at no charge and all opinions are my own*

Talkawhat? Talkawho? Talkatoo!!!!

I honestly cannot remember how I came across finding this product but I am so glad that I did! I thought this was such a great way for loved ones to hear each others voices even if they are unavailable to talk on the phone, great for keeping a list of things you need to get at the store or a To-do list, or anything else that you can think of!

As soon as I took it out of the package my kids wanted to touch it and see what it did. They fell in love with this and actually started fighting over who's turn it was to see it!

It is very easy to use and so cute! It comes in 6 different designs & you can either get it as a clip or necklace. The way we received is a necklace and I was surprised that the material they use is so flexible and durable! Which is obviously great for kids! I think the thing that I loved most about this product was that when the batteries run out-there is no need to buy another one....just replace the batteries! I love that! It is small enough to fit anywhere:backpack, purse, briefcase, lunch box, or anything else that you carry around.

This is why Sheila started Talkatoo:
It all started with a mom who was looking for ways to share a little love with her little ones. She would send them off to school with a heart on their hand or a note in their lunchbox, but it was never enough. She wanted a way for her kids to hear her sweet messages, whenever they wanted, and wherever they went.

Are you as excited about this product as I am?! I knew you would be! Here is the website where you can look at all the designs and order one of your own!
Also here is a link to the fan page on Facebook!/pages/talkatoo/115660245744?ref=ts

I just love the slogan that she uses.....Talkatoo is a fun, new way to stay in touch with your kids whether you’re apart for a few hours or a few days.

Be sure to check this out and get one of your own! They are sure to be the 'hottest' thing in the very near future!

But I think the thing that I love most is this:
You’re helping to make a difference in a child's life. For every Talkatoo™ you buy on this website, we will donate a Talkatoo™ to K.I.D.S. (Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc). K.I.D.S., in cooperation with Operation Homefront, will forward donations of talkatoo products to children with a parent serving abroad in our military. These children struggle with separation and face significant challenges and stress. Thanks to your support we can bring these children a smile, some warmth, or make their day a little brighter.

*I received this product at no charge & these opinions are my own*

Family Visits

Are wonderful! We love having family come here and, when we are able to, going to see family! We had a great weekend with a visit from Grandpa W. & Uncle D....they came down to celebrate my Husbands birthday. Of course the kids loved seeing them and never want them to leave, but I think it also helps us (the adults) to be able to actually be with family. Yes there are phones, internet, and Skype....but that doesn't always do it. So I am glad that we were ab;e to spend time with them.

With the exception of Friday afternoon(My FIL got into a fight with the floor-he is ok though, so no worries), it was pretty uneventful. The majority of the time was spent talking with each other, eating, and playing with the kids.

Thanks again to Grandpa W. & Uncle D. for coming and spending time with us! We can't wait to see you again!

Here are some pictures of the kids outside playing with chalk from this weekend.