Monday, August 02, 2010

Family Visits

Are wonderful! We love having family come here and, when we are able to, going to see family! We had a great weekend with a visit from Grandpa W. & Uncle D....they came down to celebrate my Husbands birthday. Of course the kids loved seeing them and never want them to leave, but I think it also helps us (the adults) to be able to actually be with family. Yes there are phones, internet, and Skype....but that doesn't always do it. So I am glad that we were ab;e to spend time with them.

With the exception of Friday afternoon(My FIL got into a fight with the floor-he is ok though, so no worries), it was pretty uneventful. The majority of the time was spent talking with each other, eating, and playing with the kids.

Thanks again to Grandpa W. & Uncle D. for coming and spending time with us! We can't wait to see you again!

Here are some pictures of the kids outside playing with chalk from this weekend.

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