Monday, July 26, 2010

Playing with Food!

I am serious! It's fun....sticky, but fun!

I was watching a friend's daughter while she took her son to the Dr. last week. And I was thinking of something crafty to do yet didn't cost a lot of money. Then something that I learned about in high school came rushing back to me! What is it you ask? Well I am going to tell you!

Painting with sweet condensed milk. Again, I am still serious! Just add any color of food coloring that you like and tada! Instant paint! It is sticky but so worth it! Plus we all know how kids like to eat things that they shouldn't..well here is a way to have fun and not worry about them not eating it!

So go on-make some of your own! There are no measurements to this! Add however much you would like!

Here are some pictures of the artists and their masterpieces!

*We used fingers here but you can use whatever you want! Once you are finished cleaning up is VERY easy!*

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