Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Love Story

Love...what can you really say to describe this feeling!?

Sometimes words aren't enough.
Sometimes it's an act of love.
Acts of love can mean so much more then words could ever express.

What act of love would you do for your child(ren)? Give them anything that wanted? Give them all the name brands? Give them the coolest stuff? Give them a better life?
Wait-what!? A better life? Well of course, everyone wants to give their child(ren) the best life that they can!

What if you and your husband wanted a baby and couldn't have one for one reason or another? What if there was an opportunity for you to have a child, not biological, but none-the-less yours? Wouldn't you want to help someone out to be able to have the opportunity to have a child and know the joy that you have with your child(ren)?

You can! I have come across this couple who is in the process of adopting their daughter from Ethiopia. They have started their journey 3 months ago and have a blog where you can go and get updates through this journey.

Of course adoption (no matter where you are adopting from) costs money and there are several ways that you can help this couple reach their goal of about $24,000. You can donate money, buy t-shirts, visit her Esty store, or just spread the word! Every little bit helps this couple have their dream of having a child. I am also going to help them on this journey, not only by helping spreading their story, but by buying a t-shirt as soon as I can! I think that everyone should experience the joy of having a child.

Please visit to learn more about this couple and their story and/or to help them out!

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