Monday, July 19, 2010

You Time

I don't mean relaxing or going off to have a coffee with a friend or anything like that. I mean taking care of yourself (clean clothes, teeth brushed, make-up, shower, hair done). I know that the majority of us are moms and are busy with home, kids, husband, activites-our days are filled enough. And usually the last thing we think about is us!

I had posted on Facebook last night that I really needed to take better care of myself. There are things that I honestly forget to do or can't even remember then last time I did it was. It's horrible, I know, but the reality of it is, is that my days are filled to the brim and the last thing on my mind is me. As a new mom (about 6 1/2 years ago) I would go days without a shower because I was tired, forget to brush my teeth, walk out the door with the same clothes I had on two days ago. My mind was so gone that I was forgetting the little things like that. Even to this day I have to put notes up that say "Shower" "Brush teeth" or I would forget.

Before having any kids, no matter what, I never walked out of the house without brushing my teeth. I couldn't stand when I had dirty teeth. Now I am lucky if I remember to brush my hair before leaving the house. I am on a road to pay more attention to that kind of thing and make sure that I get myself ready just as I do my children. This is not something that is easy to talk about because then people think you are nasty, lazy, or just plain and simple don't care. And for most of you, you know that just isn't true with honestly slips your mind. So-my first step is admitting this and hopefully some of you will be able to do the same thing and not be afraid to admit this. We shall stand together-unbathed, nasty breath, hair is a ball-o-mess! Let's take a stand and take better care of ourselves. The time is really there....we just have to make an effort to do it! Put notes up if you have to because I know that I will!

Maybe there is one thing you could add to your daily routine to take better care of yourself. What is that one thing that you will add? Or what is that one thing that you will not leave the house unless you have done it? (make-up, teeth, shower) I know I am not the only one that this has happened to-so I expect some comments about this ;)

1 comment:

Mommyof2 said...

I am so with you here :(