Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cop Cat

This is a story that my husband came downstairs and told me about what he saw happen in front of his eyes this morning. (This may be TMI for some people, just a warning lol)

My husband was walking into our master bathroom this morning to take a shower before he left to take some tires to someone. And there he saw our youngest son (16 months) standing there in the middle of the bathroom with my razor in one hand (facing backwards so thankfully did not cut himself) and in the other hand an unused feminine product! So I asked what was he doing with those things, and my husbands response cracked me up and I so wish I could have seen this in person! The response was: He (our son) was standing there 'shaving' one leg and placing the product where it goes. I could have died laughing!

It's not like I don't try to leave the door closed or go to the bathroom when everyone else is off doing something....but I guess those few times we has been in the bathroom with me, he has picked up a few things....opps! I guess it's time to hire a bodyguard for the bathroom door now! What have you noticed your child doing that they may have picked up from watching you without you even thinking twice about doing it in front of them? I know that I cannot be the only one out there with a story like this, please share!

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