Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wet Dog

You know the smell that I am talking about.....right after you give your dog a bath or they come in from doing their 'business' outside and it's raining.

Well I don't know if anyone else thinks this or has even noticed it, but I think that boys smell like that too! I remember my brother smelling this way after he was outside playing or after one of his many sports games. I thought that I wouldn't have to smell that anymore but I was wrong! My boys have that smell too! I have no idea what is going on in their bodies that they smell this way, but they do! I honestly have not had the same experience with girls (but that's probably because we smell like roses *wink wink*). It seems to not even matter how long they have been outside (even just to take the trash out) or even what the temp is....everytime they come inside, they smell like wet dog!

My boys like to give hugs when they come in from being outside (depending on how long they were out) and I always give them a hug but seem to forget that they smell this way! Never fails and I end up hugging a wet dog smelling boy! I try not say anything around them because I don't want them to think that there is something wrong with them or for them to self-conscience about it, but I tell my husband about it and he doesn't seem to smell the same thing that I do.

Do guys not smell this one each other!? Can just girls smell this!? Am I the only one that thinks this?! If any of you out there have experienced this, I would love to hear that I am not the only one!

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