Saturday, July 10, 2010

I have to say something....

I can no longer stay silent about this. It may seem like nothing to you but when you hear it all the time-it becomes something to me. This is not directed towards everyone, but there are a certain few that have done this repeatedly and, frankly, it's annoying!

Please stop asking if I am pregnant just because I post that I do not feel good! There are other reasons why I feel crummy. Please give me credit to be smart enough to test (which I do) to rule that out. If I were pregnant, that is not how I would let everyone know. So please, I ask you to not jump to the conclusion that I am pregnant when I simply state that I do not feel good. It gets really annoying when that is all people have to say to me about not feeling 'normal'.

So, just incase some people haven't gotten the message yet:
No I am not pregnant
Please stop asking me!

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